Adaption of the book World War Z
By: Austin Maher
For the adaptation for the book World War Z to work, you
first need some really good special effects. And more than likely a very high
budget, just because most of the scenes will be filled with explosions,
zombies, and crashes exc. Also you need to keep the attitude of the soldiers,
and normal civilians throughout. With the soldiers they have a mentality of
just a little bit longer (which is a larger concept for everyone around the
world at this point). As for the civilians, they seem to think this is all the
governments fault, and everyone is turning against one another. Mainly because
people will be like oh it’s just a scratch from a piece of metal when in
reality it is actually a bite from a zombie and they are soon to become one of
the living dead. So in this time trust is minimal.
A very simple and small scene to keep would be the very
beginning of the story when they are talking about the “thought” of how the
outbreak was started. Their idea was that somewhere in Africa while moon
fishing a child went into the river and was bite by something and then later
reanimated and that’s how it all started. But, I think this would be a good
idea to place this scene at the end of the movie saying like 1 years before or
something like that.
Around pages 50-120 they go into to detail about the army
(Yonkers) who are there to kill the zombies, and contain them. This would be
some good action to include in the movie, just because who doesn’t like to see
someone snipe a zombie from the top of a business rooftop? Or a tank roll over
a pile of discarded cars and fire a large shotgun like shell and blow 50
reanimated beings to kingdom-come? So this would be good in the middle of the
movie and then towards the end to leave you sitting on the edge of your seat,
only to see how it all “started” 1 year or so ago in Africa.
Around page 120-130 the book describes how people have the
idea of moving north, because the zombies won’t be able to handle the winter.
So as everyone is moving north and they arrive at their destination. At first
everything is all nice and swell, but then people start to run out of food to
find, such as fish or wild game around the surrounding area. So everyone gets
very reclusive, and it turns into people killing one another. So it would be a
good scene because in most movies they have the introduction, then it is
followed by a problem which is fixed, then a larger issue occurs, and for the
end everyone comes together and finished whatever it was off.
Two scenes that could be taken off I think is when they pan
over to the other countries because it kind of throws you off. And it would be a
lot easier to focus on maybe one country or specific area. Also the way the
book is written as an interview, I feel like it should a view from a few people
maybe like the son who is up north and a few soldiers, and not a reporter. Because
you don’t really get a strong feel for any of the characters. Also when you pan
around it disconnects you from the characters that you like in the one area, so
then all you do is wait for them to return to the area that you did like.